First Men in the Moon by HG Wells

Produced on audio by Big Finish Productions 

Another spin through the Big Finish Classics range - First Men in the Moon...

I grew up on the Young Ones...absolutely amazing anarchic television at its best but there are so many more strings to Nigel Planer’s bow than I thought possible...there were times that it almost sounded William Hartnell in tone but by the end I was thinking...if Big Finish ever did a Cushing version of Doctor Who...Nigel Planer is the go to guy.

The innocence...naivety...and wonderfully single minded scientist he portrays is superb...giddy one minute...lost in wonder the next.

Again a story I thought I knew so well was turned on it’s head at least three Jonathan Barnes’ writing.

Having seen the 1964 movie and it chilled me but also made me laugh in equal amounts I expected the audio adaptation to do the same. Scary...unnerving and with a soundscape that had me constantly looking over my shoulder to see what was behind me ...another winner from Big Finish
